Monday, April 25, 2011

Conversations with God

Conversations with God will answer questions you have wondered about for years. The book is divided into seven sections with Bible references and notes in the back. The sections are: God, Jesus, The Bible, Life, Prayer, Relationships and Good and Evil. Easy to understand for both new believers and long term Christian women, this book reads like a dialogue with God and Jesus and several well known characters in the Bible. It would make an excellent Bible study for Christian women. Some of the questions you will have answered are: Why don't you prevent disasters from happening? How can you expect us to forgive? Why should we trust You? Why was a virgin birth necessary? God, why don't You just reveal Yourself? What about a woman in ministry?
I think it would have helped to have the scriptures at the end of each chapter, but the back of the book works well. A very interesting read.

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